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Supported Housing at YMCA Surbiton

YMCA Surbiton is a short term supported housing scheme where accommodation and support are provided as a package. Our scheme is designed to help people develop in all aspects of life; mind, body and spirit, enabling people to live independently within their community, with a focus on social inclusion.

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We provide supported accommodation because we believe everyone should have somewhere safe to stay


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Support can include managing benefits and debt, how to develop independent living skills, looking for education, training and employment or volunteering, referrals to relevant agencies for mental health, drug or alcohol use and guidance in securing permanent accommodation.

We provide targeted and universal support to single people age 17 and above in housing need, individuals who are homeless, vulnerable and/or at risk, people living with mental illness, learning disabilities or recovering from substance misuse or those who are fleeing domestic violence. We also have family rooms and disabled access rooms – These rooms are offered to direct referrals from the local authority.

Our Housing & Support Officers are able to provide support in the following areas (not an exhaustive list): 

  • Advice and information on budgeting
  • Accessing appropriate health care
  • Counselling/support groups
  • Training and employment opportunities
  • Assistance with benefit claims and involvement in social activities both within the hostel and in the wider community. 

Housing & Support Officers work with the client to produce a person centred plan, placing the client’s views at the centre, and using the Outcomes Star. 

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Surbiton is a 127 single bed hostel.

We have 3 move-on properties located near to the hostel, one 7 bed and two 8 bed properties.

All of our Move-on properties have shared kitchens and shared bathrooms  

The rooms are furnished, and the Move-on houses checked routinely throughout the day. 

The hostel has been recently refurbished and all rooms are self-contained with en suite and self-catering (shared kitchens, fully equipped). The shared kitchens include your personal fridge and cupboard.

Other facilities: Resident Lounge, Chapel, Fitness Studio, on site laundry, Computers, and Reception. Each flat has individual internet access.

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YMCA is committed to safeguarding and equal opportunities in all areas of its work and responsibilities, aiming to support residents and to ensure that it provides accommodation and services that are safe and secure. Thus, alcohol is not allowed on our premises and smoking is not allowed on site . 

We recognise that we have a duty of care, including legal obligations as a landlord; therefore YMCA will liaise with the appropriate authorities to prevent the taking and supply of illegal drugs or banned substances on its premises. 

YMCA is committed to ensuring that residents have a say in the on-going management and development of the Housing and Accommodation department. To this end, every centre holds resident’s forums at each centre and runs six-monthly resident satisfaction surveys. The Association has an electronic complaint procedure as we believe that we should be accountable to the residents for the quality of service being delivered.

Resident Participation 

YMCA is committed to ensuring that residents have a real say in the on-going management and development of the Housing and Accommodation services. Resident’s forums and resident’s surveys are held regularly. 

We have a progression team – Asher and Clare to add generic what progression do. 

The Association’s complaint policy and procedure ensures that our customers are listened to and valued. It also ensures that we are accountable to our residents for the quality of service being delivered. 

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The YMCA operates an equal opportunities policy in resident selection criteria.

The hostel at YMCA Surbiton takes referrals from Royal Borough of Kingston, Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness, St Mungos, Spear, New Horizon

As per YMCA agreement with Royal Borough of Kingston, 90 beds for the hostel and respectively 23 for the Move on Houses are direct nominations.  Although they are nominated by the local authority, they must meet the selection criteria; age 18 or over, be capable of basic personal care, single and without dependent children residing with them, unable to afford private rented accommodation. Referral agencies can apply using the referral portal form. The hostel does not take self-referrals.

Please note that YMCA is not suitable to accommodate applicants who need support with bathing or other significant assistance with personal care, or who needs support with medication or are unable to use the accommodation without assistance due to a physical or learning difficulty. Every applicant will be subject to a Police National Computer (PNC) check.

Referral form
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Referral Portal

Make a referral here