YMCA run a young person’s project in Walthamstow. We have named it the YPP (Young Person’s Project), and we support at risk, vulnerable homeless young people, aged between 16 and 21. We offer them accommodation as well as tailored support in 1-2-1 sessions, group sessions and group support. All of our referrals come through Waltham Forest Council, where they have been identified as at risk and homeless.
Many of our residents have been street homeless before living with us, or have been in the Care System, some have mental health issues, most are from broken families and homes, and some are fleeing domestic violence.
Our aim is to support these young people to focus on their strengths, to build confidence in themselves, to create positivity, and to find options and choices for them in their lives. We work closely with them for two years, to help change the current path many on these young people are on, and support these young people to live fulfilling lives. Each resident has their own journey with us, and it’s down to us to support them fully through this journey meeting all their needs. Most we support into some form of education, apprenticeships and some into paid work. Our overall goal once they have lived with us, and they are ready, is to find suitable move on accommodation, so they can live independently in their own accommodation, to manage this successfully, and to break the cycle of homelessness.
Each resident who lives with us has a dedicated support worker for tailored support to meet that individual’s needs. We also have an Youth Engagement worker who works closely with them, and offers further support to our residents. We run group sessions around a number or areas such as, self-esteem, relationships and sexual health. We have access to counselling services, and other young person organisations that we engage with, to ensure we offer the highest support we can for each individual.
Our team at YMCA YPP wants to achieve amazing things with this project and our Young People, and we are determined to make a positive impact in their lives. We believe in these Young People we house and support, and we want to give them the best chance to succeed and be happy in their lives, and we hope the support we offer gives them the greatest chance to achieve this.